
IX.10.2 Pompeii. Samnite house on Via di Nola. Later converted to a fullonica (laundry).

IX.10.2 Pompei. Casa sannitica in via di Nola. Successivamente convertito in fullonica (lavanderia).

Partially excavated 1888-1891. New excavations 2023.


Excavation in the area around Via Nola began in 1888 but was soon interrupted. After more than a century excavations have resumed and have already revealed many surprises. Two atrium houses have emerged, which were already partially investigated in the 19th century; they date to the Samnite period but were transformed in the 1st Century CE into workshops. There is a laundry set up in the atrium of House number two, with work benches and tubs for washing and dying clothes.


See PAP New excavations in Regio IX


Lo scavo nell'area, lungo via di Nola, fu iniziato nel 1888, ma fu presto interrotto. Dopo più di un secolo è stato ripreso e ha già restituito sorprese. Emergono due case ad atrio, già parzialmente indagato nell'800, costruite in età Sannitica e trasformate nel I secolo d.C. in officine produttive. Si tratta di una fullonica (lavanderia) impiantata nell'atrio dell'abitazione al civico 2, con banconi da lavoro e vasche per il lavaggio e la tintura degli abiti.


Vedi PAP Nuovi scavi della Regio IX


1888-1891 excavations


Sogliano wrote –

In the autumn of 1888, the front of the insula situated to the east of Reg. IX.7 (Note: now renumbered as IX.9), and also Insula 2-5, of Reg. V on the north side of Via Nolana were excavated. I do not report on these dwellings until they have been completely excavated, I merely describe some paintings and report on the painted and scratched epigraphs, which have come to light.


Insula to the east of Ins 7, Reg. IX.

House with entrance from the second doorway on the north side, counting from the north-west, on the south door-jamb of the entrance to the third cubiculum on the east side of the atrium, graffito over green (?) plaster was discovered -


IX.10.2 Pompeii. South door-jamb of the entrance to the third cubiculum on the east side of the atrium, graffito over green (?) plaster was discovered -

According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) this read

C(aius) Bene() Epaprais / Zetu / I[3]u[3]run copo / Nubiun eximo / Zit / duo capita / os et venas / non habet   [CIL IV 5341]

IX.10.2 Pompeii. South door-jamb of the entrance to the third cubiculum on the east side of the atrium, graffito over green (?) plaster was discovered.

According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) this read


C(aius) Bene() Epaprais / Zetu / I[3]u[3]run copo / Nubiun eximo / Zit / duo capita / os et venas / non habet   [CIL IV 5341]



IX.10.2 Pompeii. On the left wall of the corridor near to the tablinum, on the dividing pilaster between the entrances to the two, graffito on red plaster was discovered -

According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) this read

Caves    [CIL IV 5343]

(see also Bull.1890, vol. V, (p.259, II).

IX.10.2 Pompeii. On the left wall of the corridor near to the tablinum, on the dividing pilaster between the entrances to the two, graffito on red plaster was discovered.

According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) this read


Caves    [CIL IV 5343]


(see also Bull.1890, vol. V, (p.259, II).



IX.10.2 Pompeii. Underneath, in letters deeply incised with a nail was the following epigraph, which according to myself and Mau, had become unintelligible, and of which, here I give the facsimile.
The Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) records

?   [CIL IV 5344]

IX.10.2 Pompeii. Underneath, in letters deeply incised with a nail was the following epigraph, which according to myself and Mau, had become unintelligible, and of which, here I give the facsimile.

The Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) records


?   [CIL IV 5344]



IX.10.2 Pompeii. On the east wall of the tablinum, on white plaster (?), in rather large letters -

According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) this read

Taaxassis   [CIL IV 5342]

IX.10.2 Pompeii. On the east wall of the tablinum, on white plaster (?), in rather large letters -


According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) this read

Taaxassis   [CIL IV 5342]


See Notizie degli Scavi, 1891, (p.266-267)


2023 excavations

New excavations were commenced in 2023 as part of works to rectify and resolve hydrological and conservation problems in excavations.

Based on building techniques (block work and frame work), altered in several parts by ancient and modern consolidation interventions and reconstruction, the buildings could have been built as early as the 3rd century BC. and subsequently restructured by modifying the distributive structure of the original environments of the Samnite age. The atrium houses of the 3rd century BC were already transformed during the 1st century AD. into workshops for production activities, with the installation of a bakery in the western sector of IX.10.1, and a laundry in the atrium of IX.10.2.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. June 2023. Plan of new excavations.
1: Entrance and Fauces
2: Atrium
3: Kitchen?
4: Tablinum
5: Triclinium
6: Cubiculum
7: Cubiculum
8: Cubiculum

IX.10.2 Pompeii. June 2023. Plan of new excavations. Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Vedi/See Una natura morta con xenia dallo scavo della casa IX 10,1 a Pompei. E-journal 3, Scavi di Pompeii, 27.6.2023, p. 2, fig. 1. E-journal on PAP web site


1: Entrance and Fauces

2: Atrium

3: Kitchen?

4: Tablinum

5: Triclinium

6: Cubiculum

7: Cubiculum

8: Cubiculum


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. Entrance doorway, looking south down fauces 1.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. Entrance doorway, looking south down fauces 1.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. July 2017. Looking south along entrance corridor 1 towards atrium 2. 
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. July 2017. Looking south along entrance corridor 1 towards atrium 2.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. July 2017. Looking south-west across atrium 2.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. July 2017. Looking south-west across atrium 2.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. Entrance, looking west along the Via di Nola, over rooms 5, 1, and 3 from above.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. Entrance, looking west along the Via di Nola, over rooms 5, 1, and 3 from above.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2005. Entrance, looking south from fauces 1, across atrium 2 to room 4.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2005. Entrance, looking south from fauces 1, across atrium 2 to room 4.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. Tablinum 4 and atrium 2, looking west to water basin against west wall, from above.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. Tablinum 4 and atrium 2, looking west to water basin against west wall, from above.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Raised impluvium in atrium 2, looking south to tablinum 4 with stone benches.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Raised impluvium in atrium 2, looking south to tablinum 4 with stone benches.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking east from IX.10.1 across to IX.10.2 room 5, cubiculum 8, cubiculum 7 and cubiculum 6.
The fence to the right of the modern bridge shows the line of the now covered unnamed vicolo on the east side of the insula.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking east from IX.10.1 across to IX.10.2 room 5, cubiculum 8, cubiculum 7 and cubiculum 6.

The fence to the right of the modern bridge shows the line of the now covered unnamed vicolo on the east side of the insula.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. North end of atrium 2 with room 3, fauces 1, room 5, cubiculum 8 and cubiculum 7 on the east side, looking east.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. North end of atrium 2 with room 3, fauces 1, room 5, cubiculum 8 and cubiculum 7 on the east side, looking east.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Doorway to cubiculum 8 in north-east corner of east side of atrium.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Doorway to cubiculum 8 in north-east corner of east side of atrium.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Cubiculum 8 in north-east corner, with remains of painted stucco decoration, looking east.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Cubiculum 8 in north-east corner, with remains of painted stucco decoration, looking east.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Doorways to cubiculum 7, on left, and cubiculum 6 on east side of atrium 2.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Doorways to cubiculum 7, on left, and cubiculum 6 on east side of atrium 2.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. South end of atrium with two cubicula 7 and 6 and tablinum 4, looking east.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. South end of atrium with two cubicula 7 and 6 and tablinum 4, looking east.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Tablinum 4 with stone benches, looking south into the unexcavated.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Tablinum 4 with stone benches, looking south into the unexcavated.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. According to BdI graffiti was found –
 “In the house of the insula to the east of IX.7, in the second entrance on the north side counting from the west, on the left wall of the corridor near to the tablinum:

Caves    [CIL IV 5343]

and beneath this were some signs, but not readable.”
See Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (DAIR), 1890, (p.259)

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. According to BdI graffiti was found –

 “In the house of the insula to the east of IX.7, in the second entrance on the north side counting from the west, on the left wall of the corridor near to the tablinum:


Caves    [CIL IV 5343]


and beneath this were some signs, but not readable.”

See Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (DAIR), 1890, (p.259)


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. Tablinum 4 and south end of atrium 2, from above. Looking west into the unexcavated.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. Tablinum 4 and south end of atrium 2, from above. Looking west into the unexcavated.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. Atrium 2 and surrounding rooms, from above. Looking west.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. Atrium 2 and surrounding rooms, from above. Looking west.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Rectangular water basin (right) on west wall of atrium 2.
There is a laundry set up in the atrium of house number two, with work benches and tubs far washing and dying clothes.
See PAP New excavations in Regio IX 

Si tratta di una fullonica (lavanderia) impiantata nell'atrio dell'abitazione al civico 2, con banconi da lavoro e vasche per il lavaggio e la tintura degli abiti.
Vedi PAP Nuovi scavi della Regio IX

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Rectangular water basin (right) on west wall of atrium 2.

There is a laundry set up in the atrium of house number two, with work benches and tubs far washing and dying clothes.

See PAP New excavations in Regio IX


Si tratta di una fullonica (lavanderia) impiantata nell'atrio dell'abitazione al civico 2, con banconi da lavoro e vasche per il lavaggio e la tintura degli abiti.

Vedi PAP Nuovi scavi della Regio IX


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking north-west to kitchen 3, across cubicula 8 and 7, and triclinium on east side of atrium.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking north-west to kitchen 3, across cubicula 8 and 7, and triclinium on east side of atrium.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Triclinium 5, to east of entrance, looking north.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Triclinium 5, to east of entrance, looking north.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006.Triclinium 5, to east of entrance, looking north to stone bench.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006.Triclinium 5, to east of entrance, looking north to stone bench.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. East wall (modern, part of bridge) of triclinium 5 on east side of entrance.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. East wall (modern, part of bridge) of triclinium 5 on east side of entrance.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Room 3 to west of entrance with stone bench. Kitchen?

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Room 3 to west of entrance with stone bench. Kitchen?


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Kitchen 3 north-west corner with stone bench, to west of entrance.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2006. Kitchen 3 north-west corner with stone bench, to west of entrance.


IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking north-west towards the kitchen 3, from above.

IX.10.2 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking north-west towards the kitchen 3, from above.


Fountain outside IX.10.2. May 2005.

Fountain outside IX.10.2. May 2005.


Brick water tower between modern bridge support and corner of insula IX.10. December 2005.

Brick water tower between modern bridge support and corner of insula IX.10. December 2005.


Brick water tower and stone corner of insula IX.10. December 2005.

Brick water tower and stone corner of insula IX.10. December 2005.


Modern bridge support (on left) is blocking the vicolo between IX.14 and IX.10. May 2010.
The brickworks, in centre, are the remains of a water tower. Large stone blocks, to right, are the corner of IX.10.2.

Modern bridge support (on left) is blocking the vicolo between IX.14 and IX.10. May 2010.

The brickworks, in centre, are the remains of a water tower. Large stone blocks, to right, are the corner of IX.10.2.





The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 09-Jul-2023 20:29